Ladies, stop complicating! There are only three ways to get a man.

5 min readJul 2, 2021

There are only three types of men. Depending on the kind of person he is there are only three ways of getting a man

Photo by henri meilhac on Unsplash

More often than not, people — especially women — tend to complicate what is actually easy: How to get the man they fell in love with.

Well, in case you didn’t know, there are only three ways of getting that man you dream about all the time, depending on the type of person he is. But, first that’s exactly what you have got to study and know about him. What kind of man he is.

When women (and some men as well, for that matter) fall in love with a man and are left in blank about the way he feels about them, most of the times they enter in “overdrive”. Meaning that they want to jump into things really quickly not giving themselves (and the other) time enough to even know that man (or themselves) or even notice and let themselves properly feel about that man’s singularities. Although this may seem the fun way and even be the “natural” way of things, it’s not really the safest one if you want to prevent some “crashes” that may drive that man away. On the other hand, the insecurity towards the man that they love (the feeling of love or passion gives the other such “power” without them even knowing they have it) also does not help them get to the point where they can safely establish what type of man he is.

But that is wrong. Stop wanting to run and jump onto a moving train. Take your time. Talk to the man. Treat him like a person and not like an idol in the pedestal. Know what he likes and dislikes. This will not only help you to get to know him better — and who knows that’s when you get disappointed and fall out — but will also help you to know how to get his attention in an easier way. More than that, it will also make him notice you and the attention you are giving him. And be sure that with such attention only, you will already have achieved a third of what you want — some of HIS attention back.

Once you understood what kind of man he is then you will have made yourself easier to get him — if you still want him that much.

There are only three types of men. And one proper way to get each of them

Maybe you will not believe it at first, but when it comes to women there are only three different types of men. The first one is attracted through his senses. Sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste… The second one gets attracted for mind and personality. The third one is a mix of both — they are harder to find and keep though. Depending on which type of man you are facing with, the travel into a more stable relationship will route through three very different ways.

If the man is attracted through the senses there’s no doubt that sight will be the first sense to work on your favor. If on the first time you know you didn’t look your best, a second or a third time can always do the charm. But while you are working on your look, don’t forget the other senses. I remember once that I met a very beautiful woman. Beautiful but somehow smelly. That was it for me. Same goes for hearing (voice), touch and taste — IF and WHEN you get there. Don’t let him be deceived through any of the senses or it may be the last chance you get to catch him. Once he is certain of how satisfying you are in “any sense” for him, the relationship will then start it’s way through personality, mind, the “ways” you both are, common points of view or interests, etc…

On the opposite side of that kind of man is the one that gets attracted by your mind, the things that interest you, your personality, your “ways”… For this kind of man it doesn’t matter much if you don’t look beautiful or that you don’t wear perfume everyday or that your voice is shrill as a sharpened pencil into his ears or bass as a drum pumping his tympanum. Ask him all the questions. Show interest for the same things. Dispute what you don’t agree with once in a while. Complete or develop further his thoughts. After he finds that your minds are similar in the way they think about common things, that you share points of view or that you can think further ahead about the ideas he has or the things he likes and if your personality is at his level — and this part is also important — than you got yourself a man to start a relationship with. And soon that relationship will travel into experiencing the senses together and grow stronger in all the other ways.

In the middle of these two types of men you have the one that needs a lot to fall for you. Yes, he will look at you if you look good enough for him. He will measure you through his senses. And you may even get a glimpse of how good that man is other ways — I’m sure you know what I mean. But he will not stay unless you “work” on everything else. All the senses and your best personality features have to be at their real best in the beginning of the relationship. And sometimes you even have to send some “mixed signs”. Like making him know that you’re into him but that you also feel free to go and chat with another guy. See how he reacts. Give him lot of attention and then — just once in a while — let him be the one staring at you from a distance and feel the will to come to you. Just keep throwing your eyes at him now and then. Spend three days on the phone with him for an hour. And then spend one day without being you who calls him. And make it look natural. These are the men that usually react perfectly to the phrase “Love him and let him free. If he comes back it’s because he’s Yours”. If you do this, rest assured that such man will get hooked and never leave.

So, ladies, please do not complicate something that is actually very easy. Know the man. Then go out and get him! There are only three types of them anyways…




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